Greetings Neighbors,
It’s the holiday season, time for family, friends, food and fellowship. Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December, present times for us to come together. No one should be or feel alone. Being a part of something gives us an opportunity to share and receive. Like other things in life, each opportunity to interact challenges and sometimes takes us out of our comfort zone. But that’s okay, everyone experiences the same thing.
I am Rev. Dr. Jalene Chase. On July 1st, I was appointed to Emmanuel United Methodist Church – Beltsville. In our church newsletter I compared the idea of a new appointment with a “blind date”; not the success or failure, but the unknown aspects. I wrote, “You’ve read my profile…, And like dating service profiles, the skills of the writer can make a person sound great on paper. But it’s the reality that keeps people in relationship...” Like any new relationship, we do our best to build something new. We cannot achieve a healthy foundation, it if we spend time comparing it to our past. We have been actively building our foundation. This is the time in our relationship that Emmanuel introduces me to their extended family, friends and neighbors.
Eight is the number of New Beginnings. We must look forward to what God has in store for us by: remembering the past that shapes who we are, embracing the present and its possibilities, and anticipating the good things that come from God leading, guiding and shaping our future help us build anew.
If you are reading this, and you have feelings of loneliness or don’t want to be alone, you don’t have to be. Join us. If you cannot physically make it to church at 9am or 11:15am, follow us on Facebook, go to our webpage, listen to the sermon on YouTube.
God loves all of God’s creations. We were created as social beings – we were not meant to be alone (Genesis 1:18). This is the season that we come together on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose. We invite you to fellowship with us as we share and receive love, hope, joy and peace during this season. Until then, I offer this prayer:
P – Pour out Want to add a caption to this image? Click the Settings icon. your Spirit on us Lord. Only you can make the difference in our lives.
R – Renew us. Bring us into relationship with you and with each other.
A – Acknowledging that you deserve our praise, we receive your grace and mercy.
Y – Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. Today we start anew.
E – Enrich our lives with the gift of your ever-present Spirit.
R – Rendering ourselves daily, hear our pray today. AMEN
Have a Blessed Holiday!